When should you give to charity?

American taxpayers gave over $420 billion to charity last year. Those gifts (which ranged from large corporate donations to small donor contributions of less than $25) support a wide-range of non-profit organizations that include non-profit schools, churches, synagogues, mosques, large nationally known non-profits, and small soup kitchens. Supporting a charity is a great thing to…

Why can’t taxes be simple?

Taxes aren’t simple, all of us know that. And yet it seems that every election season, politicians offer to make them simple (my personal favorite is the pledge to make the tax return fit on a post-card). On the surface, this seems like a great idea. As a culture, we don’t like complexity or nuance,…

Are you having enough withheld?

It’s the middle of the year, which means it’s a good time to check your withholding and estimated taxes to make sure that you’re on track. Withholding and estimated taxes are often the best ways to make sure that you don’t wind up owing a large amount of taxes next year, or that you don’t…

Did the tax cut save you any money?

This past tax season, many taxpayers were surprised with worse-than-expected results (smaller refunds, or bigger balances due to the IRS). This was an especially unwelcome surprise because due to the Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017, many were expecting to receive more money back. What happened? It’s important to remember that there are two…